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LRF member Michael Buryk – guest curator of Barvinchak’s exhibition in NYC

Art at the Institute was pleased to present an exhibition of etchings by American artist of Lemko ancestry, Nicholas Bervinchak (1903-1978). Executed mostly during the Great Depression and into the following decade, these prints document the miners, tools, working conditions, and family life surrounding the isolated anthracite coal mining towns (also known as patches) of…

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The VI SFULO Congress will take place in Lviv, Ukraine

The VI SFULO Congress Лемківські громади семи країн світу: Організацію оборони Лемківщини (США), Об’єднання лемків Канади, Об’єднання лемків (Польща), Союз русинів-українців Словацької Республіки, Союз русинів-українців Сербії, Союз русинів Хорватії та Всеукраїнське товариство «Лемківщина». Програму конгресу: 24 серпня – засідання президії СФУЛО 25 серпня з 10.00 до 18.00 – засідання конгресу в сесійній залі Львівської обласної…

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New Exhibit of the Work of Nicholas Bervinchak at the Ukrainian Museum and Library in Stamford

Picture: Nicholas BervinchakThe Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford, Conn., had its beginnings with the 1933 purchase of the Quintard estate by Bishop Constantine Bohachevsky and his plan to establish a cultural institution there.  It would become the first major Ukrainian cultural institution in the U.S.  In that same year, Paul Daubner, a Hungarian-born church…

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Leadership of Lemko Organizations Passes to Next Generation

Clifton, NJ — At the national conventions of two U.S.-based Lemko organizations this month, elections resulted in the selection of new Presidents, signaling the organizations' continuing growth and development as the baton of leadership passed from the older to the younger generation. This past Saturday, October 26th, members of the Organization for the Defense of…

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Members of the Organization for Defense of Lemkivshchyna and Lemko Research Foundation meet with his Excellency Bishop Paul P. Chomnycky

On April 8, 2006, representatives from the Organization for Defense of Lemkivshchyna (OOL) and the Lemko Research Foundation, Inc. (LRF) visited St. Basil's Ukrainian Catholic College Seminary to meet with his Excellency Bishop Paul Patrick Chomnycky, OSBM, who was recently installed as the fourth bishop and Eparch of the Stamford Eparchy. The purpose of this…

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Lemko Organization Boosts Ukrainian Studies at Columbia Libraries

Representatives from the Lemko Research Foundation, Inc. visited the campus of Columbia University in February 2006 and donated an important collection of books on Ukrainian-Lemko issues, which will help develop the Ukrainian library collection at Columbia. “We have chosen to donate these books to Columbia University because we support the mission of Columbia’s Ukrainian Studies…

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